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Call Mira @ 9682 3100


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What is welfare?

Welfare is about promoting one's general well-being, especially when women can often be discriminated against in society. This can include basic needs such as food and shelter, financial stability, housing, etc.

Why do ethnic minority women need welfare?

Ethnic minorities face a number of challenges in Hong Kong. Many of these problems stem from their lack of competency in the Cantonese language. Call Mira aims to help Hong Kong's ethnic minority women gain access to resources and aid that are, albeit available to them, not attainable due to the language barrier. 

Support Service Centres


HKCS Cheer Centre

Provides interpretation and translation services, language training and integration programs

3106 3104


SHINE Centre

Promotes racial harmony and social integration through community education and language training

3188 4555


HKSKH Lady Maclehose Centre

Strives for justice and harmony through education and community outreach activities

2423 5064

Food Security

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St. James' Settlement

General welfare and improving well-being and happiness in Hong Kong

2975 8777


Food Angel

Reduce food waste and provide meals to the needy in Hong Kong

2801 5333


Foodlink Foundation 

Similar to Food Angel in its belief that everyone deserves a hot meal

2567 1561

More Information

Sports & Recreation
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Hong Kong's Leisure and Cultural Services Department is a public resource that features a number of state-of-the-art facilities and affordable programs for all members of the public. Learn more about it here.
Many of the facilities featured in and funded by the LCSD are either free or very affordable, for example, the Victoria Swimming Pool charges 8 HKD for a single entry (for a student/child/senior citizen) while it charges 18 HKD for an adult. During the weekends, the entry fee is 1 HKD higher for all (so 9 HKD for students/children/seniors and 19 HKD for adults). 
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© 2020 The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited (registered charity in Hong Kong - IR 91/12344).

All rights reserved.

Graphic design by: Gabrielle Anne Conseja



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